Tyler Grimes
A Mixed Media Interactive Installation
Dracaena trifasciata (snake plant), artificial snake plant, water, bio-data sensors,
display monitors, gardening supplies, installed speakers, cushion.
Faux (noun) : Made in imitation; artificial. Not genuine; fake or false.
Tanical (suffix) : The study or appreciation of.
Fauxtanical : The study and appreciation of the artificial.
Fauxtanical is an interactive art installation which utilizes physiological data gathered from a real plant, an artificial plant, and a human source to allow for a collaborative interplay between human-machine, non-human, real, and faux - occupying an in-between space between the actual and the virtual. This data is represented via a generative animation appearing on a nearby monitor, while an acousmatic soundscape plays through the cymatic resonance from within a 'liminal boulder' and it's small body of water. In the process, co-occurring feedback loops betwixt both real and faux inquire on the interrelatedness of the entities involved. ​
Technological apparatuses of measurement can only conjecture so far as to deduce the possibility of a type of experience and sensuous capacity within non-humanity. The notion of measurement in itself is anthropocentric, which may devalue 'non-lived' and immeasurable layers of experience. Thus, this project employs a non-representational methodology of 'messy' data collection and visualization to allow an 'imperfect science' to symbolically shed some light on the empirical inadequacies of appreciating non-life.
There is also a limit to human conceptualizations of empathy, especially towards plants and their rendered/artificial counterparts. Fauxtanical hopes to further such conversations by precariously positioning
the human in a playfully-serious contemplation.​
Some moments of interaction.