Tyler Grimes
Listening To Listening
a site-responsive multimedia installation
If we could hear listening,
what would it sound like?
Inspired by Graham Harman's The Third Table and similar notions surrounding the immateriality of materiality; this piece implies an audio source through the use of precariously placed (unplugged) microphones juxtaposed to a silent video of people 'listening to listening'.
The sounds of the setting in which the piece is installed become foregrounded. In this case, a lively city reverberates outside of the context of a quiet gallery.
Similarly pulling insight from Luigi Russolo's The Art of Noise, in which he alludes to the lack of silence in our industrialized and modernized world, this work intends to showcase the forgotten essence of silence - by providing the viewer a nostalgia for the present by presenting to them their own sense of hearing.
How loud can silence be?